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Business Hours

  • Monday - Sunday



632 S Live Oak Dr.
Anaheim, CA 92805, US

About us

The EVCA Lounge is a game-changer when it comes to eco-friendly transportation solutions. Not only does it offer top-of-the-line charging technology for electric vehicles, but it also boasts a sleek and modern design that effortlessly blends into any urban landscape. What sets the EVCA Lounge apart from other charging stations is its commitment to sustainability - every aspect of its operation, from the solar panel roofing to the energy-efficient lighting, is designed with environmental impact in mind. Plus, with comfortable seating and complimentary Wi-Fi, waiting for your vehicle to charge has never been more enjoyable. So next time you're on the lookout for a charging station that's as environmentally conscious as it is convenient and stylish, look no further than the EVCA Lounge. It's innovation with flair!

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